ISOPOD™ Remote Housing Solutions    

Thank you for your interest in ISOPOD ™ and our exciting new product line. Our policy and goal, is to provide the remote services industries with the latest, most innovative, high quality, durable and turnkey housing units available anywhere.

We strive to accomplish this mission while achieving great value and deliverability (under 4 months for standard units) to our clients. All ISOPOD™ remote housing units are delivered fully equipped, as per required specification and ready to just ‘plug in' and use immediately. ISOPOD™ units are the most innovative, customizable and flexible available anywhere.

At present we have numerous models available consisting of the following configurations: standard sleeping units (1,2 & bunk bedroom units), kitchen units (as per requirement), Arctic corridors, Generator units, Waste management units, Water supply units and recreation units , although all units are custom designed and built to individual order specification and requirements.

Our company philosophy is to provide the client with exactly what they require, where they require it, when they need it, for a very reasonable price, as quickly as possible.

We look forward to giving you a quote on any size order, special layout/design, or unique features that you may require to be incorporated into your custom ISOPOD™ unit(s).

Site by Rothchild

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